Adenoidectomy in Children

What to expect

Adenoidectomy is usually very well tolerated in children and in most cases there is minimal pain. Indeed it is not unusual for children to seem back to normal within a few hours.

Pain Management

Panadol is usually suf;icient and in many cases one or two doses is all that will be required. Be careful not to exceed the recommended dose for your child on the bottle.

Some children metabolise codeine faster than others, this can result in dangerous sedation so we no longer recommend codeine containing medications (Painstop etc.) for children.


Antibiotics are rarely indicated.


A normal diet

Activities and Return to School/Day-care

Your child will need to stay with the responsible carer for 7days after surgery. During this time it is not unreasonable to go to the shops or visit relatives but avoid parties, playgrounds etc. Excitement and running around increases the chance of bleeding.

What to watch out for and when to contact me

Delayed bleeding after adenoidectomy is extremely uncommon. If you do notice fresh ongoing bleeding from the nose or mouth please contact me.

If you have any concerns please call my rooms during office hours or my mobile number after hours. You will find it on the front of the card with your post op appointment details. If you can’t locate it please call St Andrews and they will contact me.

In the unlikely event that I can’t be contacted and the problem is urgent please proceed with out delay to the nearest public Accident and Emergency Department.

St Andrews : 84082111